Wednesday, January 6, 2010

On a Scale of 1 to 10...

Day 6: I recently had the opportunity to listen to a quarterback from the Houston Texans speak about his walk with Christ. He spoke about how he was a good kid growing up who never really got into trouble, and he went to church on a regular basis. He talking about how he was a normal kid growing up, and he knew right from wrong. When he made it into the NFL, he had more money than he had ever had before. After making it to the big show, he said, "I was empty spiritually." Then one day, he was talking to another player who was a believer. This player asked the quarterback, "On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being bad and 10 being good, what are your odds of going to heaven?" The quarterback answered, "I'm a 7. I do good, I go to church often, and I believe in Jesus Christ." "Nope. Wrong answer. You're either 10 or 1. Think about it. Either you give your life to Christ, or you don't." It is such a simple answer, but sometimes we forget this.

Thanks, Dan Orlovsky, #7, backup quarterback for the Houston Texans, for sharing your walk. If you are reading this, and you have not given your life to Christ, and you want Jesus in your heart, find a church, pastor, or someone to share what you have done. Or, e-mail me at

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