Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Day 13: Over the weekend, I coached two of my boys' basketball teams. I watched the boys play both as a coach and as a parent. These boys do not have a worry in the world. Their main concern is, "When do I get to play," and "How long do I get to stay in the game?" Those were the only worries they had at the time.

As adults, we worry about so many things: the car we drive, the clothes we wear, mortgage payments, and even paying the water bill. We cannot let these things worry us. God has a plan, and He will provide. He will take care of us. So, the next time you begin to worry, just stop and look at your kids. Think about when you were a kid, and put your trust in your heavenly father, and He will eliminate your worry.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Day 12: Tonight I drove up on a wreck, but the firefighters and paramedics were already on the scene. Everyone was getting the medical attention they needed. I know that wrecks happen, and we wonder what happened to cause the wrecks as we drive by. The wreck tonight was different. Ten minutes before the wreck occurred, I was at the same location. Then, I got to thinking...what if I had been 10 minutes later. I would have been in this wreck. I stopped and thanked God for keeping me safe and protected. Just remember to count your blessings, friends, and be thankful that we have a God to protect us.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Day 11: Have you ever been so mad at someone that you could not forgive them? I realized today after reading Colossians 3:13, "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you," that we must forgive everyone no matter what the circumstances are. We must forgive, because it says the Lord forgives us. Think about it. It doesn't matter how upset we are at someone. We must forgive them, because God forgave us of our sins.


Day 10: What if God asked you to give up everything and go on a mission trip to a third world country? Would you do it? If we say we are going to follow God, how come sometiems it is so hard to share the gospel with someone? Are we afraid that people will think we are weird? We are weird, and it's because we are believers. When we chose to be Christians, we knew it would not be easy, and we would be challenged. What if God called you to share the gospel with someone you did not know? Would you follow His lead, or would you pretend you didn't hear him? In reading Nehemiah 2, Nehemiah was not afraid to admit his fear. He refused to allow fear to stop him from doing what God had called Him to do. Remember, God is greater than all your fears!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Prayer Power

I am still reading Nehemiah 1, and this chapter is so much more powerful than I expected. After reading in more detail, I started to see how important prayer is; not just praying for everyday things, but praying for future things. We need to put our entire focus on prayer and make it an everyday routine. We should start with our immediate needs and then the needs of people that are close to us,and then we need to consider our future prayers. Lastly, we need to give everything to God and pray. I challenge you, friends, to try prayer and see where it takes you. If you want to talk to someone who will listen, try praying. You will find your answers.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Wanted it So Bad

Day 8: Sorry guys. I did not have time to write over the weekend. Having two basketball games to coach and watching the Aggies play, the weekend got away from me. I apologize, because I really intended to write every day.

Have you ever been at a point where you wanted something really bad, and all you could do was think about this particular item you would do anything to have? Maybe it was a car, a job, a house, a loan. Well, think, because I know there has to be something that you really wanted only to find out that you cannot have it. Then, when you didn't get it, you asked God, "Why, Lord? Why can't I?" Deep down inside you knew it could help you or could have benefited you in some way, but God has a reason for not letting you have it. He might not show us today, tomorrow, or 6 months from now, but God has put us in a certain place, and He has a timeline for us. He knows what we need, when we need it, and He knows when the time is right.

After reading Nehemiah 1, my situation made more sense to me, and that put me at ease. Next time this happens to you, stop and talk to God and believe that He will show us when the time is right. Have a great week.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Cake Duty

Tonight I had the pleasure of helping my wife build a cake for a birthday party. It was great spending time with her and seeing how hard she works on these cakes. I really enjoyed helping her even though it seems like I did not enjoy it. I love you, Jennifer and hope you finish soon, because I know you will be up till at least 2am.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Field Goal

Day 7: Do you remember as a kid watching a football game, and when a team kicked the extra point, someone would be holding a sign that read John 3:16. Well, John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." God gave his only son so that he would die for our sins. Jesus died on the cross for us so that he could take our every sin. When someone accepts Christ, we need to be willing to share everything we can with that person about Christ, just like Jesus dying on the cross. Friends, pour your entire heart into someone who becomes a believer. Next time you watch a football game, see if you see the sign John 3:16 when someone kicks a field goal or extra point. I personally have not seen one lately.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

On a Scale of 1 to 10...

Day 6: I recently had the opportunity to listen to a quarterback from the Houston Texans speak about his walk with Christ. He spoke about how he was a good kid growing up who never really got into trouble, and he went to church on a regular basis. He talking about how he was a normal kid growing up, and he knew right from wrong. When he made it into the NFL, he had more money than he had ever had before. After making it to the big show, he said, "I was empty spiritually." Then one day, he was talking to another player who was a believer. This player asked the quarterback, "On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being bad and 10 being good, what are your odds of going to heaven?" The quarterback answered, "I'm a 7. I do good, I go to church often, and I believe in Jesus Christ." "Nope. Wrong answer. You're either 10 or 1. Think about it. Either you give your life to Christ, or you don't." It is such a simple answer, but sometimes we forget this.

Thanks, Dan Orlovsky, #7, backup quarterback for the Houston Texans, for sharing your walk. If you are reading this, and you have not given your life to Christ, and you want Jesus in your heart, find a church, pastor, or someone to share what you have done. Or, e-mail me at ricgal109@yahoo.com.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Comfort Zone

Day 5: Does God expect us to stay comfortable all the time, or does he test us throughout our lives to see if we will follow His command? A few days ago, something as simple as a phone call changed my zone. I truly feel that when we are comfortable, God will put something in front of us to stir us up in our lives. I have come to realize that these are tests for us and are often doors He opens, more of a challenge to see if we will accept what He has put in front of us. Remember friends, some of these can be very easy while others can be difficult. It could not only change your life but also the lives of people around you. Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Do We Need More?

Day 4: If we have a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home, and own 2 cars we are considered rich in most other countries. I read that a couple of months ago in a newspaper article. Most people think they have to have more, but God will only give us what we can handle. I read Philippians 4:19, "My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." After dwelling on this verse, I thought to myself, " We we have a house, food to eat, heat to stay warm, and a car to drive. God, you have provided my needs, and I thank you for that." Sometimes, we need to take a moment and really think about how much we really have and stop thinking we need more.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Why Lose Sleep?

Day 3: Why do we lay in bed and lose sleep on a project that is due at work or a bill that we need to pay? Sometimes we have so many problems or a crisis that just causes us to lay in bed and not go to sleep. We all know that these problems will not be fixed lying in bed. After reading Psalm 3, verse 5 caught my attention. It says "I lie down and sleep, I wake again, because the Lord sustains me." We just need to give everything to God and let Him be in control of everything in our lives. Have a great day, friends.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Day 2: Today marks mine and Jennifer's 11 year anniversary. I sat and thought this morning about how I would not trade this life we started together 11 years ago. She was truly the Godly woman I needed in my life several years ago and now. Our lives have been blessed with 4 wonderful boys, which is any guy's dream. Deep down, I feel she was praying for my salvation before I came to know Christ. I want to thank her for bringing God into my life and putting up with me the last 11 years.

Today's verse reflection is from Genesis 32:10, "I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown your servant." God never stops showing us kindness and faithfulness. The same goes for Jennifer. She has never stopped showing her kindness and faithfulness. I love you, Jennifer, and my love, kindness, and faithfulness will never stop either.

Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1, 2010: The Beginning

My name is Ricky, and I have been married for 11 years tomorrow to my wife, Jennifer. Together, we have 4 wonderful boys . We pray daily about raising and disciplining these boys to grow into Godly young men. We are doing the best we can. I have been a Christian for almost 3 years, and I am growing closer in my walk every day with God. While I am trying to do what He wants me to do, I am writing my thoughts on scripture and reflections on the word. I have decided to start this journaling on January 1, although I am up late and it has gone into the next day. I hope you will come along with me on this spiritual journey. I am just an ordinary dad, a regular guy...a broken man walking with God.

Well, another year has come and 2009 has gone. I have prayed about doing a blog, and it is something I wanted to do. This blog will consist of my thoughts and reflections from each day and what God has taught me for the day. I have made a goal to record my thoughts each day.

Day 1: The verses I was looking at today were Philippians 4:10-13. The very last verse got my full attention. Philippians 4:13 says "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Sometimes we try to dictate how our day and our life are going to be, but in reality, it is not about our plans or ideas. I came to realize that God has a plan for us. God just gives us the strength, and it is by His will how our life turns out. It will not be easy or smooth. There will be bumps and turns that do not go our way. In all, it is His strength that we need to depend on to get us through our day, week, and our lives. I challenge everyone to committ everything to Him and test His strength.